
What is Free Website Hosting?

There are many free website hosting, which you need to store website files on it. There is no doubt that you cannot escape the investment you have to make in a hosting account, but most popular free web hosting services are available online that is suitable for many small websites.

What is Free Website Hosting?

Hosting account is nothing, but a hard drive where you can save the data, however, these hard drives are connected to a sever that allows a website to access its file.
Coming to the hosting packages, if you are someone who is into web publishing, then you should get a premium hosting account because it helps you rank on Google faster.


Many Best Free website hosting services are now online today, who are offering you amazing features at no cost. Free hosting websites allows you to use their services to store website files, which is something that will cost you in reality.

However, the positive thing about the services is that they won’t charge you a penny until you are not violating their terms like spamming, phising, misleading sites, and more.
Free Website Hosting Myths

We may not be able to cover all myths, but we will ensure that you will leave with many questions answered and get the misconceptions about the free hosting out of your system.

  1. Free hosting websites are slow, is that true? Fortunately, in past they were, but not anymore because the competition has encouraged the companies to introduce better technology for free hosting users. Many companies are now offering SSD drives, which is known for faster read/write technology.
  2. Does a free hosting account have hidden charges or any catch? Not really, it is a complete lie because none of the major competitors have any hidden charges. Make sure to keep yourself away from misleading sites.
  3. Force upgrade? The purpose of the free hosting started with the approach that users will upgrade at some point of the time, but a decade ago few sites were forcing the users to upgrade, but not anymore.
  4. Free hosting is not for business? It’s not true at all because these accounts are right choice for every small business.

There are many myths and we have covered only a few of many, but it will give you an idea on how premium it has gotten over the years.

Top Free Website Hosting Provider

In the most popular free web hosting category only a few have made it to the list.
Here are the free https hosting companies that comes with no restrictions.

  1. Googiehost
  2. X10Hosting
  3. ByetHost
  4. 5GBHosting

We know that there are other companies, which are reputed that deserve to be in this list, but there are also factors which you are not aware of it. Like 000WebHost deletes accounts without your consent despite not violating any policies, on the top of that you can’t even reach them.

And, some of the site does not offer Free https hosting. means free web hosting with SSL certificates.

Finally How to Host Your Own Website for Free

You get free sub domain hosting no ads in the above hosting companies, but we are going to show a little glimpse on what you are going to get from most popular free web hosting.

How to host free website?

Let’s pick one hosting company, say,

Step 1:On the home page, click on Sign up.

Step 2: You have to scroll down until you find the option “Order” click on it.

Step 3: You’ve got three options,

First, register a domain – leave if you have it. Second, Transfer an existing domain – leave if you don’t have any. Third, get a free sub-domain from GoogieHost – It’s free for life, so don’t worry. Then, click on check.

Step 4: You have to fill basic information like your name, address, and phone number. Make sure to fill valid details because the company is very strict when it comes to approving a new sign up to minimize the spammers and hackers from the site.

Remember, GoogieHost takes 12 hours – 24 hours to approve your account manually, this is why they have very less spammers on their site.

Free hosting sites have become more conscious because they are guaranteeing 99.99% uptime, which is crazy because back in the days, in every three minutes server downtime is experienced. Let us know your thoughts and tell us what myth is troubling you in the comment section.

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